CABERGOL is a medication that acts on the dopamine receptors and is used for two different indications:
"1- Inhibition/suppression of physiological lactation:
CABERGOL is indicated for the prevention of physiological lactation immediately after childbirth and for the suppression of lactation in progress:
• After childbirth when the mother chooses not to breastfeed her child or when breastfeeding is contraindicated for medical reasons related to the mother or newborn.
• After the birth of a stillborn fetus or after an abortion.
CABERGOL prevents physiological lactation by inhibiting prolactin secretion. In controlled clinical trials, it has been demonstrated that cabergoline, administered as a single dose of 1 mg on the first day post-partum, is effective in inhibiting milk secretion as well as reducing breast congestion and pain in 70-90% of women. Only a very small number of patients presented with recurrent breast symptoms, generally not severe, in the third week after delivery. The suppression of milk secretion and the improvement of symptoms related to breast congestion and pain that follow the milk let-down are achieved in about 85% of women who receive a total of 1 mg of cabergoline, administered in four divided doses over two days. Return of breast symptoms after 10 days is rare.
2- Treatment of hyperprolactinemic disorders:
CABERGOL is indicated for the treatment of disorders associated with hyperprolactinemia such as amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, anovulation, and galactorrhea. CABERGOL is indicated for patients with prolactin-secreting pituitary adenoma (micro- and macroprolactinoma), idiopathic hyperprolactinemia, or empty Sella syndrome associated with hyperprolactinemia, which are the underlying pathologies in the aforementioned clinical manifestations. Cabergoline administered at doses of 1-2 mg per week as chronic therapy has been effective in normalizing serum prolactin levels in approximately 83% of women previously with amenorrhea. Based on monitoring of progesterone levels, determined during the luteal phase, ovulation returned to normal in 89% of treated women, and galactorrhea disappeared in 90% of treated cases. In 50-90% of cases of patients, both male and female, with micro- or macroprolactinoma, a decrease in tumor mass was evident.