What You Need to Know About Non-Medical Masks or Public Use Masks

Scientific Articles

In the realm of personal protective equipment, non-medical masks, also known as barrier masks or cloth masks, serve as individual protection for the general public and should not be used by healthcare professionals in direct contact with patients. (1, 4)

These « barrier masks » are designed to complement other preventive measures like maintaining physical distance and adhering to hygiene practices. (1)

It's crucial to note that these masks are not intended for patients with viral or bacterial infections or individuals displaying respiratory symptoms, for whom surgical masks are recommended.(1)

The purpose of these masks is twofold: they protect both the user's environment and the user themselves from potential viral or bacterial penetration in the « mouth and nose area ».  (1) 

The overall performance of a protective mask depends on its design, materials, fit, breathability, and seal. (1) 

Breathability is a critical factor, allowing these masks to be worn for a maximum of 4 hours. (2)

To ensure a perfect seal, the mask must fit snugly over the wearer's nose, mouth, and chin, without any sagittal seams (vertical seams across the mouth and nose).(2)

While these masks are currently considered disposable (for a 4-hour duration), reusable or multi-use masks can be used with proper washing and maintenance instructions. 2)

For reusing fabric non-medical masks, a complete treatment cycle must be performed consecutively. Treated masks should be stored to maintain their microbiological cleanliness, for instance, in sealed plastic bags.(3, 4)

Pour le traitement en blanchisserie industrielle :

  • Machine wash with a suitable fabric detergent, including a minimum 30-minute cycle at 60°C. (3)
  • Tumble dry at a set temperature of 90°C until completely dry. (3)

For home treatment :

  • Machine wash with a suitable fabric detergent, involving a minimum 30-minute cycle at 60°C. (3, 4)
  • Alternative washing method: Manual washing with hot or boiling water and soap or detergent. (3)
  • Subsequent mechanical or conventional drying, followed by steam ironing at a temperature compatible with the mask's composition. (4) 

Each mask must be individually packaged in a transparent bag with a label indicating : (4)

  • Manufacturer
  • Unique conformity report code
  • Non-medical barrier mask
  • Duration of use: Maximum 4 hours
  • Care instructions:
    • Number of washes
    • Washing temperature (60°C)
    • Ironing temperature (120/130°C)
  • Alternative washing instructions (hot or boiling water + soap or detergent)

In Tunisia, a conformity report (material and manufacturing) issued by CETTEX is mandatory.

References :

1 - AFNOR Spec – Barrier Masks - AFNOR Group, 2020. [masquesbarrieres.afnor.org](https://masques-barrieres.afnor.org) (online).

2 - 2020. [ansm.sante.fr](https://ansm.sante.fr) (online).

3 - 2020. [ansm.sante.fr](https://ansm.sante.fr) (online).

4 - 2020. [santetunisie.rns.tn](https://santetunisie.rns.tn) (online).