Telecommuting: How to Avoid Posture-Related Pains?
Telecommuting refers to working for an employer outside of the workplace. In exceptional circumstances, such as the coronavirus epidemic, this practice can be imposed on employees without their consent.
During the lockdown, many of you are telecommuting, and this new practice can strain your muscles. An article from the French Institute of Research on Well-being, Medicine, and Sports Health (IRBMS) addressing sports and confinement discusses the issue of telecommuting and the pains it can cause. Prolonged sitting can lead to various issues such as cervical spine pain, increased thoracic kyphosis, shoulder pain, or even wrist tendon pain. (2)
To correct your posture and release tension, Professor Catherine Dziri, Head of the Department of Physical Medicine and Functional Rehabilitation at the Kassab Institute in Manouba, recommends a few gestures. (3)
It is also essential to take regular breaks (five minutes every hour) to allow periods of visual rest and avoid maintaining a sitting posture for too long. (4)
These practices should be continued even after the confinement period as they promote better daily hygiene.
References :
1. RE DACTION, LA, 2020. Telecommuting: adapting the workstation in the time of coronavirus. [online]. 2020. [Accessed on April 28, 2020]. Available at: ( teletravail-l-amenagement-du-poste-de-travail-a-l-heure-du-coronavirus/)
2. MATON, DR., 2020. Telecommuting: avoid posture-related pains | IRBMS. IRBMS [online]. 2020. [Accessed on April 28, 2020]. Available at: (
3. HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE, KASSAB INSTITUTE, 2020. Telecommuting and posture [online]. [Image]. 2020. [Accessed on April 28, 2020]. Available at: (
4. Telecommuting in exceptional situations. Telecommuting during confinement: preventing sedentary behavior - Risks - INRS, 2020. [online].